Ringworm and Eczema From Treatment Perspective

These conditions have similar appearances but are different diseases and need separate treatments.

Eczema does not cause ring-shaped patches on the skin as ringworm does, but there is a specific type that can cause circular patches on the skin. That is why most people confuse that type of eczema with the ringworm.

As I told you, both conditions require separate treatment. It is important to learn the difference between both to clear the ringworm and eczema debate and get the right treatment if you want to rely on over-the-counter products or natural remedies.

Can you mistake ringworm for eczema?

Well, someone can do this if he/she does not have enough information about both conditions. Both have similarities in symptoms like rash, redness, itching, pain, bad smell, and patches on the skin.

They can affect any part of the body and can appear in an individual at the same time. So, it is better to know more about each condition to make diagnosing procedures easy and straightforward.


Eczema is a long-lasting skin concern that affects individuals of any age. The symptoms determine how severe the condition is. It is the most common skin disease in children under 5.

Severe eczema can lead to further complications. That’s why dermatologists always recommend treating eczema.

People with weaker immune systems and sensitive skin are more prone to eczema. It makes the skin thinner and more vulnerable to various infections. It also increases the risk of getting fungal infections like ringworm.

Causes and Symptoms

No one knows its exact cause. Still, doctors describe some factors that are more likely to cause or contribute to eczema in individuals. These are:

  • Hormonal transfer from mother
  • Environmental factors
  • Genetics
  • Irritants
  • Skin Infection
  • Asthma

One of these or a combination of some can lead to eczema. However, a doctor can diagnose eczema but cannot tell the exact cause.

It shows different symptoms at specific stages. In most of the cases, it can lead to:

  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Bad smell
  • Blistering
  • Raised rash
  • Change in skin color

If you or your child experience those symptoms, you must understand that this is eczema. Severe eczema may lead to darker skin color, extreme dryness, cracks in the skin, and bleeding.


No matter what medicine you are taking, it cannot be completely cured. So, the best approach is to use medically approved products and take preventive measures to reduce its symptoms.

It itches a lot and can ruin sleep. To overcome this situation, use a moisturizing cream. It can be used for both adults and children. Made for individuals with sensitive skin.

Rub it before sleep and leave it overnight. Wash with water thoroughly to clean the area from ingredients.


Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that can affect any age group. It can spread from person to person by touching the affected person’s items or simply touching him/her.

Causes and Symptoms

Ringworm has known causes, unlike eczema, and can be easily diagnosed. A mold-like fungus is the primary cause of this condition. However, it is highly probable that someone got this disease from an infected person.

Similar to eczema, ringworm shows different symptoms at different levels of severity. Signs can take 4 to 14 days to appear after exposure to fungal infection. If you see the below symptoms in yourself or your child, seek medical treatment for ringworm:

  • Ring-shaped patches on the skin
  • Redness in the affected area
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Blistering
  • Scaly raised borders of ring-shaped patches

How long is ringworm contagious?

Some experts say that ringworm is highly contagious and can spread to another person until the infection is active. However, Seattle Children’s Hospital stated that it remains contagious until 48 hours of treatment. After that time period, it stops being contagious. So, it is better to get treatment and don’t let others catch the same disease.


Usually, it is better to get treatment. However, it fades out within a few weeks without any treatment. Severe symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medication.

Most of the products are creams that also help soothe itching. It can take 3 to 4 weeks to be fully treated. Still, it is recommended that preventive measures should be followed.

Difference between eczema and ringworm

Now, you have all the information necessary to differentiate between eczema and ringworm. Eczema, in general, cannot mistaken with ringworm even after various similarities. It doesn’t cause ring-shaped patches, which are the primary symptoms of ringworm.

However, nummular eczema is a specific type that can make coin-shaped patches on the skin that may look like ringworm.

To differentiate between the two, look at the appearance of the spots. If the spot shows clean or normal skin in the center, it is ringworm. If the complete rash is raised and abnormal, it is nummular eczema.

The rash is more raised and scaly in ringworm. Ringworm patches have raised borders and clean skin inside.

Wrapping up

Each condition requires different treatment. Differentiating between eczema and ringworm is very important to getting the right treatment. This article has highlighted key information about their causes and symptoms to help you get better treatment.

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